Backyard Birds

Backyard Birds

Birds are just one of the animals that we can often find enjoying our backyards!

One of the main things that attracts them to our places is the search for food so they can survive. Different birds eat different things including nectar, seeds, fruit, meat, insects and other invertebrates.

We can guess what a bird eats by looking at the shape of its beak. Birds have evolved over time to have different style beaks that allow them to become specialists at eating particular types of foods.

The three basic groups of birds we are likely to find in our backyards are Meat eaters, Nectar eaters and Seed eaters. These are broad groups and some birds may skip from one to another, such as a parrot will also eat blossoms or fruit when there’s lots around.


Birds are good for your backyard

Birds consume thousands of pest insects, spread native plant seeds and pollinate flowers. Because of this, birds are very important for our bushland and farmland.

Introduced vs Native

Not all birds are equal in the eyes of the law. Introduced birds can damage plants, carry diseases and push native bird species out of their homes.

How to attract more native birds?

Planting native plants in your garden will attract native birds. It is also important to provide them with a water source and to lock up your pets, especially cats.

Backyard Birds

Birds in the Garden

Step 1

Survey your backyard and identify five different birds you find. Be quiet, look and listen. You will need to describe them, so take your time. Think about how your would classify them as either a seed eater, nectar eater or meat eater.

Step 2

Photograph or sketch your bird so you can look it up later. The Birds in Backyards Posters show some common backyard birds found in different areas across Australia.

Step 3

Using the BIRD ID ACTIVITY SHEET record the details of each bird that you identify. Use the posters, other websites or wildlife identification Apps to help you identify your bird. If you already know what bird it is (something easily recognisable like a magpie) then look it up anyway to help fill in your activity sheet.

Step 4

Collect any feathers you find on your survey. Can you identify which birds they might come from? Stick your feathers on a piece of paper to keep a record of the birds you spot in your Backyard Puzzle Box.


Send us a photo of your completed activity sheet

With parent/guardian permission, submit a photo of your completed activity sheet and it could be displayed on the website and the Hunter Local Land Services Facebook page.
