In the classroom
Adventures at Your Place is a series of fun and educational activities for kids to undertake in their own backyard or local area. Hunter Local Land Services has partnered with environmental education consultants PeeKdesigns to create activities that engage kids curiosity about the world around them. Through these activities, your students can study at home and also explore their backyard, local bushland, creek or river. Students may be asked to research, observe, experiment and collect things that help them discover and learn about their piece of the landscape puzzle.
Each activity aligns to different outcomes within the K-6 NSW syllabus.
- Backyard Puzzle Box – Visual Arts (making art using different mediums)
- Wild Pollinators – Science, Maths (tallying observations), Visual Arts (making art using different mediums)
- Backyard Birds – Science (adaptations), Maths (estimate length)
- Our Rare Birds – English (writing a narrative, persuasive text)
- Wonders of Soil – Science (conduct experiment), Maths (measurements)
- Creepy Crawlies – Visual Arts (design and making)
- Raving about Reptiles – Science (living things), Visual Arts (design and making)
- Biodiversity Blitz – Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (game play)
- Importance of Plants – Science (living things)
- Food and Fibre – Maths (create table, tally), English (reading comprehension)
- Buying Local Produce – Maths (create table, calculations), English (reading comprehension)
- Weeds – Not Wanted! – Science (living things), Technologies
- Waterbugs – Science (living things), Technologies
- The Riparian Zone – HSIE/Geogrpahy (characteristics of place)
- Turtles in our Rivers – Science (living things), English (reading comprehension)
- Any Sign of Ferals? – Science (living things), HSIE/Geography (management of place)
Every Bit Counts
Every Bit Counts is a program operating in the North Coast, Hunter Region, Greater Sydney and South East. Part of the program includes raising awareness of how caring for our land, water resources, wildlife and biosecurity is a shared responsibility and EVERY BIT we can do to improve our region COUNTS towards protecting it for the future. This means that each small action or step is important and is a positive contribution to creating healthy, productive landscapes.
Currently the Every Bit Counts program is working with PeeKdesigns environmental education consultants to deliver Enviro-Stories across the region with a number of schools. Now, they are working together to help kids learn about and investigate their own backyards.
For more information:
Every Bit Counts – Local Land Services
Every Bit Counts – Enviro-Stories Program